





December 5, 2024

New Help & Profile Menu updates
To make things simpler, we've redesigned the Profile menu, and moved out the help section into its own little button:
  1. The profile menu now has quick links to the settings - no more clicking around
  2. The help menu also shows a live service status - in case you want to see if e.g. Anthropic is down.
New AliPay option
For people in China, our payment provider recently added the ability to pay via AliPay! You'll need update your existing payment method in the billing portal, if you want to switch over.
AI & Prompting
  • Added native integration with Arli AI (another fixed-subscription-price AI vendor)
  • Fixed empty spaces in API keys not being removed and causing confusion when no models show up
  • Fixed archived codex entries being accidentally included in the AI context
Other changes
  • Added a retry button to all sync error messages. This should help with saving when unknown errors occur
  • When importing a novel, any save errors will now be shown to the user
  • Fixed exported files using UTC time in the file name, and not the computer's local time
  • Fixed clearing out scene contents when it just had an empty beat/section/etc.
  • Fixed codex entries with just punctuation in their name crashing the app
  • Various other bug fixes and improvements