
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.






July 22th 2024

Performance updates
This update contains a
ton of performance updates
that reduce the number of updates the app does as you work. Editing codex entries should now be smoother/faster, as well as using AI actions should now be a lot faster as well (less choppy/lagging).
Manuscript scene hopping
While you were able to say "remember where I left off", that only applied to the exact scene and position, but not how your write view looked like. So going back to it, you always ended up back with "everything". This was annoying. So we fixed it.
You can now always go back to exactly where you left your manuscript, which should help a lot with larger projects.
AI interactions revamp
As some of the performance issues stemmed from the AI interactions, this aspect has been updated and visually overhauled, which in turn made a couple goodies possible!
  1. You can now
    undo/redo any AI text replacements
    ! This also means that if you hit "retry", you can now go back to a previous generation in case you liked that one better.
  2. You can now see your
    generated word count
    . This will only show the generated words, so if you you start to cut and edit the text down, this won't update.
  3. There's a new button to
    stop your generation
    . You could already do this by hitting "Apply" pre-maturely, but that also... applied the text. So this new "Stop" button gives you a bit more choice and clarity.
  4. Another new button to put your generated
    text into a section
    . By default, this uses the model name that generated the text as its title.
And yes, this update also fixes the issue of the apply/retry/discard buttons being stuck or keep floating around. That was indeed quite annoying.
Other Updates
  • When opening just a specific scene in the manuscript, the manuscript switch menu will now show which chapter you're currently in (the relevant chapter will have a little dot next to it)
  • The listing for models on OpenRouter will now retry intelligently, if there was an issue grabbing the data
  • Fixed a couple issues when a prompt function does not receive a required argument
  • Other various fixes and improvements







July 17th

Codex Filter improvements
You can now filter your codex by both, types and custom categories!
Custom Prompts
  • There's now
    for those that need it
  • Fixed some issues around AIs generating empty HTML blocks when asking for
  • You can now use curly braces in your own prompts, without them trying to be interpreted as instructions! So things like:
    Please use the text {{wrapped in curly braces}} as guideline for....
    will no longer throw an error
Other Changes
  • Resolved an issue where novels that got too big couldn't be imported. We upped the limits, so a 200k word monster should now have been tamed just fine.
  • Codex entries that have "unknown relationships" (like if you still reference another entry from a series you no longer have access to) will now list those relationships so you can delete them if needed.





July 15th

Custom Prompts
You can now ask the AI to write special HTML/XML for the manuscript editor:
If you ask it to write
<nc-section data-title="Alternative 1">Write a possible alt. version here</nc-section>
it will now properly show up as its own section! This makes prompts that suggest changes easier to grasp in terms of its results.
The following attributes are supported:
  • data-title
    will change the title/label of the section
  • data-color
    will change the color (red, blue, green, ...)
For example:
Please rewrite the given text 3 times and output your proposed changes in the following format:
<nc-section data-title="Alternative 1">
Write a possible alternative version here.
<nc-section data-title="Alternative 2">
Write a second possible alternative version here.
<nc-section data-title="Alternative 3">
Write a third possible alternative version here.
This change also helps with a specific bug around using AI in or near blockquotes.
Other changes
Other than that, this one's a quick bug fix release as there was an issue with importing novels that was introduced in the last release. The importer would just silently fail.






July 11th 2024

Mostly a bug fix release, to improve overall usability and stability.
  • When an act has too many chapters, the manuscript selector now puts the chapters in a sub-menu
  • Fix visual overflow issues with long series titles in series selector
  • Fix visual overflow issues in the archive modal which hid the insert/delete buttons
  • Hide the "load more" button in the revision history modal when no more entries are available
  • Removed the default 2pt margin for paragraphs in
  • In color selection menus, the current color is now being checked (previously there was no indicator)
  • When typing << or >> they will not get replaced with their typographic counterparts (very helpful for people writing with a Guillemet quotation style)
  • Some other bug fixes and improvements
Edit: There were a couple issues regarding images disappearing again, those should have been fixed now.





July 7th 2024

Custom Prompts
  • Added
  • Added
    functions to get a number (instead of a full title) of where you are in the story.
Additional Changes
  • You can now leave a series or novel you've been invited to on your own - no need to have an active subscription or ask the owner to remove you
  • Fixed codex mentions being interpreted as underlined when copied from chat messages (This only happened on Chromium and WebKit (Safari) based browsers)
  • New Monospace Font: Courier Prime. This one's a more modern variant for those who love the classic
  • Fix gap cursor not being visible in dark mode (for adding text before a beat when at start of a scene)
  • Various other fixes and improvements





July 4th 2024

Novel Imports
This release contains a ton of fixes when importing novels as
(Word) or
(Markdown) and also adds HTML export and import support!
  • Improved detection of empty scenes during import
  • Improved heading detection for chapter and novel titles
  • Fixed issues with images not being stripped properly (we don't support images yet, but stay tuned)
  • Fixed styling issues when using the importer in dark mode
  • Added internal support for incorrectly/malformed markdown where some scenes were imported as one big paragraph
  • Other various improvements
We're always happy to help if you encounter any issues with bringing your words into Novelcrafter. Big thanks to those that provided us with files that didn't work (contact us via support in those cases), so we could improve the process for everyone!
Custom Prompting
As always, we added a couple goodies for our power users:
  • You can now access the labels on a scene via
  • Added new
  • Added
    to get a full list of all nested references alongside the initial entry.
Other Changes
  • Fixed nested menus in floating chat windows not working properly (flickering and unable to click items)
  • Fixed being unable to delete novels without an active subscription
  • Improved image caching - let's hope they stick around this time (fingers crossed!)
  • Fixed plan view search not keeping proper scene numbers in grid mode
  • Various other bug fixes and improvements






June 20th 2024

New Model: Claude 3.5 Sonnet
Today, Anthropic released their new Claude 3.5 Sonnet model (see their release notes here). This release adds the model to all system prompts. In case you have custom prompts, you have to do so manually.
This new version of Sonnet is the same price as before, but outperforms the 5x as expensive Opus model! Same context size as before (200k tokens), but it can remember things much better! It also loves to write a lot more, so if you found Sonnet to produce very short prose, this new version might be right up your alley.
Workshop Chat
This release fixes tons of issues around rendering messages in the workshop chat. Code blocks are no longer appearing, and tables are also rendering properly now.
For those having very long threads, the chat will also now limit the number of messages that are on display. You can load in more as needed, but it only shows the last 30 messages by default now.
The divider showing the date for long running threads can now be clicked, so you can quickly jump to the beginning of that date.
The message extraction also saw some love and covers a couple more cases where it picked up nothing or content incorrectly. As always, please report any issues in case it doesn't extract things you expected it to pick up!
Custom Prompts
This release also adds a ton of new instructions you can use in your custom prompts, and contains a couple new keywords to speed things up:
  1. The new "in" operator can be used to check if one text contains another text:
    {#if("START" in context.sceneBeat)}(do some stuff here){#endif}
  2. You can now add numbers or concatenate text with the
    3 + 4
    "Hello, " + "there!"
The prompt editor now shows the auto-complete window more reliably, and the tooltips and info for each function have been improved. Some methods now have information about their parameters, as well as examples for how to call them.
New function calls:
  • context.codex.getAdditions
    returns just the additions to a codex entry based on the scene you're in
  • New calls for chapters and acts! Use
    to get the current chapter title, or
    to get the summaries of all scenes within the act. These also apply to new calls to
  • string.wordCount
    can now count words in the given text in case you need it (this is dependent on the language your novel has been set to)
  • Performance optimizations for detecting codex entries
  • Some visual overflow bugs were fixed
  • Fix being stuck with a loading screen if a novel can't be loaded due to an unknown error
  • Fixed a markdown export bug for novels that got imported - some scenes appeared as a single paragraph in those cases
  • Other various bug fixes and improvements






June 8th 2024 - Birthday Release!

On Monday, we released a survey about the state of the Novelcrafter interface (You can visit it here if you missed it). Based on initial feedback, we added a couple goodies in this release!
But first off...
Time for cake 🎂
The very first lines of Novelcrafter have been written on June 8th 2023 (does that count as a "birth day"?) While the actual release took quite a while longer, this is where it all began. We're grateful for all the support and wonderful times so far!
Organize your Prompts into Submenus/Folders
Yes, you heard right. This release adds the ability to manage your prompts a lot better. Based on the initial survey data, people that accumulated a large collection of their own prompts are having trouble organizing it all.
To put your prompts into sub-menus, use a "/" to denote their path:
  • Fiction / Urban Fantasy / Crazy Prose
  • NSFW / Romance / Good Times
Please make sure to leave a space before and after the slash.
This is to not accidentally affect prompts like "Dialogue w/ exposition" or other similar cases.
While the prompt manager does not support actual folders (yet!), the menus should now be a lot cleaner!
The new system also allows "one-click" selection of prompts that only have a single model. This was a feature that was previously limited to the text replacement prompts, but now is available in all other places as well.
Detect, but don't include, Codex entries in AI
The "references" tab got a new checkbox to not include an entry even though it's being detected. You can still have it be included by manually adding it to a scene, or by having it be a nested entry.
One example use case where this comes in handy: You have an entry named "hell", but you don't want to pull it in whenever someone says "what the
". Now you can decide where and when that entry gets pulled in (e.g. nest "hell" under "demons" so it only pulls "hell" in if a demon gets mentioned).
Other changes
  • The
    functions are now available for all scene calls
  • Fix edit buttons missing in the outline and matrix views
  • Fix visual bugs with longer codex names overflowing their elements
  • Added support for importing a novel as an "outline" (so it will only fill out the summaries instead of contents)
  • Added support for cloning codex groups from a novel template
  • Further fixes regarding sorting things alphanumerically by name (prompts, codex entries, ...)
  • Other various bugfixes and improvements
New custom prompt functions
  • Added
    to check if a snippet with that name exists
  • Added
    to check if a codex entry with that name exists
  • Added
    to get the notes for a specific codex entry
  • Added
    ) to only get the description for a specific entry
  • Added
    functions for more control over prose generation
  • Added
    function to all scene calls (e.g.
  • Added
    to get the previous/next scene that matches the current POV. Helpful for his-and-her stories.
Other changes
  • Added support for filtering your codex by a specific tag
  • Added GPT-4o and the Claude 3 models as supported models for character extraction
  • The nested entries section now checks how many deeply nested entries there are, and will inform you if it's more than 3. This helps pinning down entries that accidentally pull in the whole jungle, even though you only wanted a single banana.
  • Added line-wrapping to codex addition lists (applies to codex entries and matrix views)
  • Added support for Open AI Project IDs via APIs (they're a legacy feature but ...)
  • When discarding an AI text replacement, the original text will be highlighted again
  • The "Apply/Retry/Discard" bar will now stay in view just like the bubble menu
  • Make scene dividers optional during export
  • Fixed some issues around handling subscribers when still in trial mode
  • Your exact subscription plan name will now show up under billing settings (previously it only showed the tier/level)
  • Various other fixes and improvements





May 15th 2024

Updated model settings panel
The new panel includes descriptions for each setting as well as has a couple more advanced settings now.
  • You can now copy and paste individual model settings!
  • Each model parameter now has more room for the input box, and also has a short description for what it does
  • Added new OpenRouter-specific setting to disable prompt truncation
  • Added new OpenRouter-specific setting for custom provider routing. Some model providers might have worse performance than others, so this lets you control where the request goes to.
Other changes
  • You can now delete custom codex categories (It's time to say goodbye to "Test 123")
  • Added support for uploading (codex) images from clipboard (no support for Firefox due to technical limitations)
  • Fixed a race condition in the loading screens (sometimes it got stuck at petting the unicorns. Sorry!)
  • Compressed the text for clipboard prompt sharing even more. This should make it easier to share things via Discord.
  • When creating a new prompt from the clipboard it now gets saved immediately.
  • Added a little "scroll to bottom" button to the workshop chat
  • Other various bugfixes and improvements
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