





August 31, 2024

This release mostly contains bug fixes and general improvements:
Manuscript improvements
  • Added some mitigations for the wild cursor jumping. While not totally gone, we hope these changes help in some cases. Please keep the reports coming if it's still occurring!
  • The scene beat validation will no longer nag about entries with nested references having no description, or that your global entries have short descriptions. Since these are common use cases, it makes no sense to have a constant warning for those.
  • Added a selection outline to scene beats and collapsible sections to indicate if they're focused (e.g. when you used the drag handle to move them around)
  • Fixed not being able to put a cursor between a scene beat and a following section
Other changes
  • Added an additional "Add Chapter" button to the end of Acts when in the Outline plan view
  • Added the ability to switch the codex "filter by tag" to "match any", instead of requiring entries to match all selected tags
  • Fixed some errors with
    imports where formatted text was incorrectly interpreted for headings and other parts
  • Fixed some issues around handling Asian languages (like Thai)
  • Fixed some visual inconsistencies with sharing novels and series depending on your plan and/or team status
  • Fixed the "characters per scene" chart sometimes not loading correctly
  • Some optimizations around app loading times and general memory usage (e.g. previously, prompt previews were kept in RAM indefinitely until reloading Novelcrafter)
  • Fixed the "you're no longer logged in" modal appearing on App start when on a slower connection
  • Added a max-width to menus for when names get too long (e.g. series selection)
  • Some additional improvements for chat extraction with heading + blockquote cases
  • Various other bug fixes and improvements