





July 29th 2024

Chat Prompt Preview
The long awaited chat prompt preview is here! You can now see what gets sent to the AI when entering a question/message. You can access the prompt preview button from the model switcher in the chat thread header (next to "Select AI").
Custom Prompts
For some, the custom prompts can be a bit daunting to look at when unfamiliar with programming languages. So we added support for comments inside your custom prompts! The system default prompts now have a couple to tell you, what each section does.
To wrap text in a comment, wrap it in
, like so:
This is some text {! and this is a comment !}
That way you also can just disable certain functionality from your prompts, without having to remove it altogether.
  • Added support for underscores in numbers, so you can now write
    to make it easier on the eyes
  • Added support for 'dangling' commas in prompt functions, so it no longer breaks when you write
Other Changes
  • Fixed a bug where older codex entry versions might have been used for AI generation.
    In case you got weird output lately, this might have been the cause.
  • Nested entries of codex entries directly attached to a scene will now be included as well. This is how it always should've worked, so we count this as a 'bug fix'.
  • We now cache the OpenRouter model list so that, in the case there is downtime/are issues, we should have a working copy (fingers crossed!)
  • The default scene summarization prompt has been tweaked to not glitch into the scene's POV for writing (it should now always write in third person, present tense.)
  • Other various fixes and improvements