




June 20th 2024

New Model: Claude 3.5 Sonnet
Today, Anthropic released their new Claude 3.5 Sonnet model (see their release notes here). This release adds the model to all system prompts. In case you have custom prompts, you have to do so manually.
This new version of Sonnet is the same price as before, but outperforms the 5x as expensive Opus model! Same context size as before (200k tokens), but it can remember things much better! It also loves to write a lot more, so if you found Sonnet to produce very short prose, this new version might be right up your alley.
Workshop Chat
This release fixes tons of issues around rendering messages in the workshop chat. Code blocks are no longer appearing, and tables are also rendering properly now.
For those having very long threads, the chat will also now limit the number of messages that are on display. You can load in more as needed, but it only shows the last 30 messages by default now.
The divider showing the date for long running threads can now be clicked, so you can quickly jump to the beginning of that date.
The message extraction also saw some love and covers a couple more cases where it picked up nothing or content incorrectly. As always, please report any issues in case it doesn't extract things you expected it to pick up!
Custom Prompts
This release also adds a ton of new instructions you can use in your custom prompts, and contains a couple new keywords to speed things up:
  1. The new "in" operator can be used to check if one text contains another text:
    {#if("START" in context.sceneBeat)}(do some stuff here){#endif}
  2. You can now add numbers or concatenate text with the
    3 + 4
    "Hello, " + "there!"
The prompt editor now shows the auto-complete window more reliably, and the tooltips and info for each function have been improved. Some methods now have information about their parameters, as well as examples for how to call them.
New function calls:
  • context.codex.getAdditions
    returns just the additions to a codex entry based on the scene you're in
  • New calls for chapters and acts! Use
    to get the current chapter title, or
    to get the summaries of all scenes within the act. These also apply to new calls to
  • string.wordCount
    can now count words in the given text in case you need it (this is dependent on the language your novel has been set to)
  • Performance optimizations for detecting codex entries
  • Some visual overflow bugs were fixed
  • Fix being stuck with a loading screen if a novel can't be loaded due to an unknown error
  • Fixed a markdown export bug for novels that got imported - some scenes appeared as a single paragraph in those cases
  • Other various bug fixes and improvements