





September 5, 2024

Word counting changes
This update makes word counting to be more in line with Scrivener. Both, Word and Google Docs (which we have used as a guideline so far) have issues counting words with em-dashes, punctuation and other special characters. The updated word counting is now more like what people would count as real words.
For comparison:
  • I wish you would - oh, never mind.
    now counts as 7 words, not 8.
  • It was … complicated.
    now counts as 3 words, not 4.
Performance improvements
We internally upgraded to a new version of the framework Novelcrafter is using to render stuff on screen. While there were great performance improvements, the memory consumption should be even less for bigger novels now. Though we did extensive testing, as always, please report if some things aren't updating quite right.
Update to Mistral models in system prompts
For all system prompts, we now configured all Mistral models to go through the "Mistral" provider on OpenRouter. While OpenRouter does allow calls to "Azure" as well, those have a special moderation layer that can cut off the output too early if it detects an issue, causing you to loose money as the AI already started responding. Novelcrafter cannot show you when these "in-stream moderation" errors happen yet, so we opted for this solution for the time being.
Other Changes
  • Added the ability to copy all scene beats into the clipboard (for scenes, chapters and acts)
  • Added a "Hide my email" setting for YouTubers/presenters/teachers that don't want to have their personal mail on display.
  • Fixed some codex detection issues on older versions of Safari. We're now using a fallback that should work OK for the most part. If issues still arise, please update your browser.
  • Fixed not being able to dissolve collapsible sections
  • Fixed chapter titles (and automatic numbering) not always refreshing/updating and being in an inconsistent state
  • Fixed a few paragraph indentation inconsistencies with beats/additions and sections
  • Fixed some visual shifting when showing a horizontal cursor before a beat at the start of a scene
  • Fixed codex thumbnail uploads saving to the wrong entry on slow connections, when immediately switching to another one
  • Fixed
    always picking first beat of a scene, instead of the one before