Custom prompt arguments
in progress
in progress
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Allow AI chat to work directly with the Write Tab.
Fawn Penguin
I'd love to be able to do things like ask chat to highlight specific words in the prose in the Write tab, or make edits or other changes directly into the Write Tab, in real time.
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Replacement text in pop-out window
Zestful Cardinal
It would be nice if there was the option to have text generated by a "Text Replacement" prompt appear in a pop-out window, instead of directly replacing the text you've already written. This pop-out window should have the exact same formatting as the normal window. This would make it a lot easier to compare and contrast what you have written vs. what the AI is suggesting. There are plenty of times as a writer that you might feed a whole paragraph or more to the AI, but end up only liking one or two improvements its made, and I think it's a lot easier to incorporate those changes if both versions of the text are available at the same time. It would also be useful if in this pop-up window, anything changed from the original text was highlighted. That would make it a lot easier to use AI for proofreading of spelling, punctuation, and grammar, while still being certain that AI isn't changing anything else.
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Text Replacement: Edit Instruction
Kryptonite green Cattle
I often want to choose a block of text and tell the editor what to change in it. Someone told me on Discord that I can use brackets [ ] to insert instructions and then use the rephrase option. However, I don't think the average user will know about this feature. Even when I do know about it, I find it limiting as it might have unintended side effects.
For example, if I write: "[change his ride to a car] The man rides his bike to the movie theater," the tool might rephrase the entire sentence, including words I didn't want to change. I might not want it to alter all the words, expand the sentence, or make it shorter.
It would be great if there were an edit option in the UI with a prompt that receives a text box for instructions to be applied without making any unnecessary changes.
Bronze Hedgehog
I would love the ability to be able to specify arguments to chat prompts as well. For instance, to craft a prompt as responding in-character with a character from the scene I select.
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Text replacement with instructions
Lavender Sheep
A text replacement option with user input as done with scene beats. It would be useful, for example, when selecting a section to be able to give instructions regarding specific tweaks we would like.
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Kobi Coral
The ability to guide the Expand and/or rephrase tools to influence output.
Stuck Horse
I agree- for me this seems like a critical feature to apply to both the Rephrase and expand Functions (possibly other places as well)
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Expand Feature with Prompt Box
Wenge Marten
When using the expand feature, it would be nice to have a text box that I could enter guidance on how I want the selection expanded instead of relying on whatever expanded prose i get.
Large Ostrich
And not sure if this already exists, but the ability to "call" something from the codex in the prompt (like style guide or genre maybe) or some other chunk of text that you routinely might use in a prompt.
Large Ostrich: You can already do so via
{codex.get("name here")}
or {snippets.get("title here")}
Large Ostrich
spaceemotion: Oh awesome, I've been looking for this info everywhere! Thank you!
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