Delete Outline/Chapters
Kumquat Porpoise
Agreed! I imported a huge mess into NC and have absolutely NO WAY of deleting all of it without manually cleaning out every tiny scene it created along the way. One of my chapters imported as FIFTEEN SCENES instead of one chapter simply because of the weird way it was formatted. I'd like to just delete it all and copy/paste it in myself, but I can't delete those fifteen "scenes" because they contain stuff. 🙄
Obsidian Warbler
Able to delete series not just the books/novels within those series
Merged in a post:
Delete written Acts / Chap / Scenes
Blush Swallow
Ability to delete entire Acts or Chapters, even when they contain written content (with proper warning messages, so no unintentional accidents occur). Also ability to delete Scenes, either individually or in bulk, without the need to send them to the Archive first.
At the moment, deleting multiple scenes or chapters is rather cumbersome: you have to do that one by one, and then repeat the process in Archive, if you want to get rid of a bunch of useless scenes. Which incidentally makes Archive management more complicated, since you have to take care not to delete the stuff you actually want to keep in the Archive.
Slight Parrot
Having to manually remove content is a good fail-safe for accidental deletion, also a handy feature? Just thinkin...
Wenge Dingo
Slight Parrot I agree. I think it was made on purpose this way. It irritated me at first but then I understood it was a safety feature.
Blush Swallow
Wenge Dingo I'm not sure I agree. A little bit of friction is needed (like a confirmation pop-up or something of that sort, so there's no unintentional or hasty deletion), but too much friction might get annoying. I'm specifically thinking of the editing phase, when we need to polish a ms and remove extraneous scenes and all the 'fat' that invariably accumulates during the successive drafts: being able to clean that up easily and quickly is crucial, especially if the ms if a full novel (80-100k words), sometimes more, depending on the genre.
Blush Swallow: i might be able to add a window where you can select things in bulk to delete. so the double-confirmation is still there, but it's not for every single scene/chapter.
Blush Swallow
spaceemotion Great! That would def be an improvement. Thanks!