Extract Scenes from Snippets and Chats
Pewter Butterfly
I love the extract feature. I use both chat and snippets for collecting and structuring ideas. When I'm done, I extract it. Right now, this results in multiple chapters with one scene each. To move the scenes manually to all the chapters they actually belong and then delete the empty and useless chapters can be quite a hustle.
It would be awesome to extract scenes. From a dialog I choose the chapter I want to add them to (similar to choosing the act for adding chapters) and boom, all selected scenes are in the right place.
Fern Krill
I would have loved this! Right now I'm working on basically the story I want to work on for novel November either this year or next year. When I do it actually depends upon I get my pre-planning timeline done in time.
I'm doing a lot of the work outside of novelcrafter. So a lot of my notes and stuff are going into my snippets area to be saved. And it would be nice to be able to extract information from those notes to be able to use as a beat while writing the story.