Get a specific chapter/scene for context via prompt instructions
in progress
in progress
Just to clarify; this is about a function in custom prompts and not generally buttons and stuff in the app, right? cause we already have a popular request about this otherwise.
Only Amphibian
spaceemotion - Correct. The ability to customize a prompt for writing a specific scene beat, to get the maximum writing capability out of the AI.
Occasional Manatee
I would like to use it under "Write," either during scene beat completion or "continue writing." But it could potentially be useful in Chat as well.
Can you clarify what you mean when you ask if the scene references are static? I would guess you mean am I always looking to get context on a scene via Chapter number and Scene number. That's my primary use case, but I suppose it might also be useful to have the ability to get context on a scene that is N number of scenes back from the current one.
My main use case, however, would be a static reference by Chapter # and Scene #.
Which use cases do you have for this function? Is it during chat? Text Replacements? Are your scene references always static?