Insert New Scene Before Current Scene
Lemon Peafowl
Current Challenge: When writing a chapter that includes lots of scenes, I frequently encounter the need to insert a new scene before the one I'm currently editing. The existing process is cumbersome; it requires me to navigate to the end of the chapter to add a new scene and then drag the empty scene back up to the desired location.
Proposed Solution:
To streamline this process, I suggest implementing one of the following enhancements:
A) Scene Action Menu Option: Integrate an option into the scene action menu to "Add New Scene Before This". This would allow for the immediate insertion of a new scene directly before the current one.
B) In-line "+ Scene" Button: Place a "+ Scene" button between existing scenes. Clicking this button would add a new scene at that specific location.
Note: This request is also applicable to creating New Chapters when in "Write" mode. There is a need to be able to create a new Chapter without having to scroll to the end of an Act in the manuscript, or without having to go to Plan mode to insert a new Chapter before the current one.
Nectarine Mollusk
It seems like a no-brainer. Not sure why we can't insert scenes or chapters already. I'm faced with this right now so count me in for an upvote.
Historical Wildfowl
Please add this feature.
Great Canidae
please add this feature
Due Falcon
I recently had an LLM make revisions to the full text of a chapter and copied and pasted it back in. Unfortunately I'm not able to separate it into its individual scenes because there's only the option to insert a scene at the end of text. Please work on this soon!
Razzmatazz Swift
I upvote. I tend to write a chapter as it flows, then come back and break it into scenes.
Yellowwood Cheetah
I upvote
Watery Moth
I upvote this feature as well. Also an easy way to merge multiple chapters in one.
Bellflower Stoat
any update on this? It is incredibly inconvenient to have to cascade scenes through the entire rest of the chapter instead of simply having a "scene break insert" option...
Merged in a post:
Add New scene / chapter / act should work at every level in write mode
Past Bass
When working at the scene level in Write mode, it would be nice to have access to the "Add new scene" button. When clicking the button, it should toggle to the new scene. Currently, when completing a scene, you have to go back to plan mode, create a new scene from there and then go back to write mode.
Same dir chapters and acts.
You can already add scenes and chapters from the write view...
Past Bass
spaceemotion It works if you are above the scene level (see screenshot 1). Not if you work at the scene level (see screenshot 2, the "+New Scene" is missing)
Past Bass: Yes, that is because when you add a scene, it doesn't know what scope to put you in after. It only works in the scope that also allows adding new children. there's nothing coming after scenes - they're isolated. if you want to add a new scene, just use the chapter scope.
Past Bass
spaceemotion I see your point, but for me (who may have a pantser mind, sorry), you could create a scene and it would put me in the new scene scope (or you could generalise, if creating a new scope of the same level (or even a higher one, with maybe a contextual menu available with the 3-dots icon), it would focus on this new scope, leaving the current scope).
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