Make snippet/codex text area bigger
under review
Yolk yellow Scorpion
I agree. I find it way too small.
Verdigris green Manatee
spaceemotion Thanks for pointing that out. It works well enough for me now.
Verdigris green Ladybug
The chat feature resizing with a single button is great and it would be lovely if snippets could behave in the same way. I didn't know about the pinning option. Also and this is tiny, but it was ages before I realised Open Thread actually meant Expand.
Thank you.
Verdigris green Ladybug: Ah hmm. I mean, technically the thread isn't open just yet - it's kind of a trimmed-down preview, hence "Open Thread". Not sure if "Expand" is the correct term here either (could be mistaken as 'make the box bigger', but it actively moves you elsewhere instead).
under review
Not sure if this is needed, as that's already a thing? When you pin a codex and/or snippet, they can be resized at will.
Merged in a post:
Adjustable Width in Codex Popup
Cognitive Planarian
As a user, when I click a codex entry, that is my primary interest at that moment. Right now, the popup window is quite narrow. I can resize it to make it wider, but only if I pin it. That's a lot of unnecessary work just to peruse a codex entry. Usually I don't want to leave things pinned for a long time, as I want to use the space for writing.
It would be much more convenient if we could simply adjust the width of the popup window when we click on an entry. Even better would be if it would remember the width after resizing.