Replace the Review from 'Word count by scene' to 'Word count by chapter'
in next release
The next release will have a way to toggle between scene and chapter
Alabaster Caribou
What has happened with this? The announcement below that 'the widget will be overhauled to show both metrics at once' was posted five months ago now, but nothing has happened...
Hidden Lungfish
I like the word count by scene, but I really want word count by chapter. I try to keep each chapter within a range, and I'd love to be able to see that on the dashboard.
The current review widgets will be overhauled, allowing to show both metrics at once
Daily Limpet
spaceemotionI I really would like to see this feature. if i had to choose one I would really prefer word count by chapter
Xenon blue Coral
I rely on both of these metrics. I prefer to use the ouline plan option, but it doesn't show scene word count in addition to chapter count. I see both in the grid planner mode. The scene count allows me to move scenes around from chapter to chapter, knowing roughly what the chapter count will be with swappings. Sometimes I pick a scene that I can slash and burn to lower word count to fit like a puzzle peice in a different chapter.