Tags for Snippets & Chat
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Add Chat Categories
Cognitive Planarian
As a user, I frequently have different types of chats. (ie: worldbuilding, character arcs, editorial questions, etc.) I have tons of chats in my Chats window, and it's a real pain to find the one(s) I'm interested in. It would be wonderful if we could create and assign categories to the chats, so that we could simply collapse / expand the ones we want.
Merged in a post:
Snippet Categories
Principal Python
It would be great if we could create categories for Snippets to organize them better.
Quicksilver Boa
This would be awesome, yes!
Bastille Penguin
Piggybacking my separate feature request as it seems to dovetail so neatly.
I would like to see a Prompt section for Snippets, these entries would have {…} functions expanded BEFORE being inserted into the main prompt. This would allow us to decouple our prompts and create re-usable building blocks.
Currently using {...} in a Snippet used in a prompt will render something like this:
In the proposed feature, if the Snippet was tagged as a prompt Snippet, the {context.codex} would have already been expanded.
Note: This would require a circular reference check to avoid infinite loops or a nesting level limit. Maybe a five-deep nesting level, which seems adequate for any use I can imagine.…
Interesting Yak
definitely. I have so many snippets, it's hard to sort through them all. Especially since I use them for my worldbuilding notes.
Initially planned for the Dec 1st release, but will definitely come!