View Codex Thumbnail Images
Marked Angelfish
There is currently no way to view your already existing thumbnail images in your codex, which is currently a very small thumbnail. It would be very useful to reference your thumbnails while writing by enlarging them when you click on them, just like you are able to reference your text.
A better image management is planned; but the existing codex images will be the same as we don't have larger versions stored. You'd have to re-upload them.
Marked Angelfish
spaceemotion Reuploading once is better than finding your reference images on your device everyday. I'm stoked you added this to the planned list!
Marked Angelfish It's been on our list for a while, and we've been preparing for it in the background already. In August/September we even introduced a proper image CDN. it's been in operation since and works great - and saves quite a lot of bandwidth on mobile!
Sound Hare
I support this.