When using rephrase, the original text should be visible until apply or be removed manually later.
Wenge Dingo
I want to see the original text to compare with the generated one until I press apply.
I would argue it should always be visible until manually removed. The reason for this is sometimes every generation adds something interesting and I want later to use parts of each. It's not possible when they disappear every time.
Taupe Krill
Totally agree. I've just started testing novelcraft and within the first half an hour I'm already feeling that this feature is really needed. Ideally would be even storing all the reruns of generated replacement at least temporary with a possibility to scroll through them and pick the best one. Or parts of the seleverla best ones.
Wenge Dingo
Any info on status of this suggestion?
Bastille Penguin
There is a way to do this now: Creating a custom prompt that puts the verbatim original content into <nc-section> ... </nc-section> and the new content either to another <nc-section> or still plain text...
Wenge Dingo
At the very minimum, I'd like the original text to stay instead of being replaced. This way I could just use apply then select the original text and try again.
Physical Raven
Oh yes. When I have a text corrected, he sometimes changes words that don't suit my style. It's also nice to know what was wrong.
Wenge Dingo
Funny, I requested it twice 🤣
Merged in a post:
Rephrase - show the original text and multiple AI generations at the same time.
Wenge Dingo
The problem I have with Rephrase is there's no way to compare the original text with the rephrased one or with multiple generations. That was the big advantage in Sudowrite - I could see the original text and a few generations at the same time. It was possible to choose what was best out of them.
I wonder if it's possible to have it in NC. I have no idea how it could be designed. Perhaps when I choose rephrase, the original text stays on the screen and the AI generation is shown below the text? When I choose retry, another generation is shown even lower. Let's say there's a button on each generation and the original text (like a pin) that when I press it, the selected generations or/and original text stays on the screen and the rest disappears. Please consider this.
Merged in a post:
Generate AI suggestions not replacing the current text, but on a side panel to easily compare with the current text and decide if we want to replace all or only some parts.
Expected Octopus
Onyx Pinniped
Agree. At the moment I always start by copying the text to another editor and then chose rephrase.
Merged in a post:
When using expand, keep original prompt
Saffron Falcon
When using the expand function, keep the original prompt as well until the user manually removes it. This will allow more effective kitbashing between options.
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