Impossible to add new custom POVs from codex.
in progress
Reliable Ant
I'm still having this issue. It used to work in Safari, but has been broken for months now. When will it be addressed?
Historical Wildfowl
I'm having the same problem and tried your work around but unfortunately it doesn't work.
in progress
This bug has been reported to us a couple hours ago and is a known issue for people using Safari. You can use the keyboard to navigate to the "select character" button using TAB, then hit spacebar to open the menu.
The error happens because of the new search box we added and Safari doesn't like moving the focus away from the modal to the search box.
This is the same cause for the "add" button not working on the new codex entry tag input.
I'm already looking into a solution.
Bastille Grasshopper
spaceemotion Thanks for the workaround!
Bastille Grasshopper
When I hit tab, it opens up the location bar and a little screen below it to pick a bookmark if you want to go to a new page..
If I open up the chooser page and then click OUTSIDE of the chooser, and then hit tab, it highlights the close button. Hitting tab again just gets me that location bar page again. And it toggles back and forth between those two pages. I guess for now I'll use Chrome..