I've spent 4 hrs trying to get going. FOUR HOURS. Why is the site so cluttered? Terms are not explained. WHAT IS CODEX? WHAT IS A BEAT? You could have a step by step video to show precisely what each step is. Instead, it's words I've never heard of and no idea of what they mean. There is no step by step which can allow one to practice side by side.
Frustrated customers will tell 21 people and those who love your program only three. Right now if ANYONE were to ask how I feel, it would be go somewhere, anywhere else.
I've watched the nerdy novelist over and over and the ideas are fine, the teaching unbearable because you both presume far too much. Pen names are just one example of how you make it difficult. (state pen names and addresses are two different things esp. addresses.) Why should anyone have to spend an hour to find this out only to have to re-do personal information??
Just quit assuming the customer is knowledgeable. We aren't. We are trusting you and getting let down. Make it side by side, step by step tryout so we can get the feel vs. the feeling of defeat.
Idea: Novelcrafter for the complete idiot!